Where you’ll find edible Newfoundland & Labrador
We’re so happy to be partnering with some wonderful cafés, markets and shops throughout the province where you’ll be able to pick up a copy. Our first issue is hot off the presses so we are quickly getting it out around the province. We’ll keep adding to this list as magazines arrive at their destinations. If you would like to recommend a great fit for our magazine please let us know. We publish edible Newfoundland & Labrador with edible Maritimes so you’ll find it throughout the Maritimes as well. Click here to find a location in the Maritimes.
If you want to guarantee a fresh copy of edible Newfoundland & Labrador (4 times per year) is delivered directly to your mailbox then subscribing is for you! 📬
Across the island
Newfoundland & Labrador Visitor Centres
Cape Spear
Clarke’s Beach
Fogo Island
George’s Brook-Milton
The Newfoundland Cider Company
Gros Morne region
Labrador City
Makkovik, Nunatsiavut
Portugal Cove
Quidi Vidi Village
St. John’s
Interested in being a distributor?
edible Newfoundland & Labrador and edible Maritimes make a beautiful addition to your shop counter or as an offering in the rooms of your inn. If you’re interested in offering our magazine to your clients please let us know - fill in the details below. In addition to magazines we include you on our list of distributors here on our site.