Where to find edible Maritimes
We are very happy to be partnering with some wonderful cafés, markets and shops throughout the Maritimes where you can pick up a copy. Please scroll down to your region for a shop near you. If you can’t find one closehey by and would like to recommend a great fit for our magazine please let us know. We publish edible Newfoundland & Labrador with edible Maritimes so you’ll find it throughout Newfoundland & Labrador as well. Click here to find a location in NL.
New Brunswick
Charlotte County & The Fundy Isles
Honeybeans Coffee Tea & Treats
St. Andrews by-the-sea Visitors Information Centre
Treadwell Inn & The Chandler Room
Stewarts Village Mart & Smokehouse
Acadian Coast & Peninsula
Auberge d’Anjou - Cocooning Café
Moncton, Dieppe & Riverview
Apple Art Gallery & Deux Pépins
Café Clementine, 62 Elmwood Drive
Starving Artist Gallery & Café
Quality Grocery Store & Black Duck Café
Sackville Visitors Information Centre
La vallée de la rivière Saint Jean, en bas
Nela’s - Simply for Life, Rothesay
Fredericton & région
Fredericton Boyce Farmers Market
Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery
Woodstock Craft and Farmers Market
Nova Scotia
Bay of Fundy and the Annapolis Valley
Sissiboo Coffee, Annapolis Royal
Sissiboo Coffee Roaster, Bear River
Mercator Vineyards and Gaspereau Vineyard
Digby Visitors Information Centre
Masstown Market, Butchery and Creamery
Cape Breton
A Better Bite Community Kitchen
Cape Breton Farmers Market & General Store
La Quaintrelle Boutique & Emporium
The Corner Store by Miss Brenna
Halifax, Dartmouth & Bedford
Grape Escapes Wine Tours and Chain Yard Cider
South Shore
The Barn Coffee and Social House (both locations)
Main & Mersey Home Store & Coffee Bar
Beandock Coffee & Collectibles, 32 Dock St, Shelburne
Yarmouth & the Acadian Shore
Studio Yarmouth Café & Gallery
Northumberland Shore
Prince Edward Island
Receiver Coffee (all locations)
North Cape Coastal Drive
Stanley Bridge
Points East Coastal Drive
Souris Visitors Information Centre
Interested in being a distributor?
edible Maritimes is a beautiful addition to your shop counter or as an offering in the rooms of your inn. If you’re interested in offering our magazine to your clients please let us know - fill in the details below. In addition to magazines we include you on our list of distributors here on our site.