Giving goodness by the sea: College students spark joy in their community
December 1, 2021
While the days might be getting shorter and the cold even colder, there are plenty of ways to share a little warmth and the staff and students of New Brunswick Community College’s St Andrews campus have been doing just that.
Last week, the students of the Culinary Arts Program and the Hotel & Restaurant Management Program took their skills and their hearts to the streets. They planned, prepared and packed fifty meals, and delivered them to fifty seniors throughout the community.
Every year, as part of their Community Leadership course work, students in these programs create a meal-focused event for community members who may not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy a fine dining experience. Some years, this takes shape as a special event such as a fundraising dinner or a night out for low-income families or social services staff.
“This year, because of the pandemic,” Culinary Arts Program Instructor Darren Dorcas points out, “this wasn’t possible so we had to come up with an alternative.”
Throughout the school year, the students in these two programs also run an in-house dining room on campus where community members can make reservations for lunch and dinner. This year Kim Garron, Hotel & Restaurant Management Instructor, noticed that many regulars were choosing to stay home but still wanted to participate.
She also recognized that some seniors in the community simply could not make the trip in. She, Dorcas, and Dave Irvin, Culinary Arts Program Instructor, crafted a new plan with their students - “We’ll take the fine-dining experience to them,” explained Irvin.
“It’s a way to connect with those who haven’t been out because of the pandemic and make a few people happy,” Garron told us.
Engaging students in volunteer and service learning opportunities is an important part of every NBCC program. In 2014, NBCC’s Robertson Institute for Community Leadership introduced the Community Leadership Certification across all NBCC programs. Volunteer and service learning opportunities introduce students to how community service enhances their learning experience, personal growth, employability and civic responsibility.
This year’s event was a success - for both the students and the community. Students planned the menu, prepared the meal, packed, decorated and personalized bags, and then set out around town to deliver each one.
“The seniors were delighted!” Garron reports, “We delivered fifty meals… All to spark joy.”
Originally published in our December 2021 newsletter. To sign up for our monthly newsletter click here.
Culinary program instructor, Darren Dorcas (centre), with students preparing meals for seniors in the community as part of their Community Leadership course work. Photo: NBCC
NBCC Culinary and Hospitality students prepping meals for community members. Photo: NBCC
NBCC students ready to head out to deliver in St Andrews, NB. Photo: NBCC
The painted walkway at the NBCC St Andrews campus.
What’s the food-sharing news in your community? We’d love to know.